Define your stakeholder :


For the University of Oklahoma Recruitment Services, understanding and identifying key stakeholders is vital in creating a strategic marketing approach that effectively engages potential students and other key audiences.

Who Are my Stakeholders?

For OU Recruitment Services, the primary stakeholders can include prospective students, parents or guardians, high school counselors, and alumni. Each of these groups has distinct expectations and varying levels of engagement with the university. Here are some specific personas I’ve identified:

  1. Prospective Students: High school juniors and seniors aged 16-18,. They are looking for information on academic programs, campus life, financial aid, and the admissions process.

  2. Parents/Guardians: Adults aged 35-55 who are involved in their child’s college decision-making process. They are concerned with the value of education, safety, cost, and the overall environment of the university.

  3. High School Counselors: Educational professionals aged 25-50 who guide students in the college selection process. They require up-to-date information on academic programs, admissions criteria, and scholarship opportunities to assist their students effectively.

  4. Alumni: Graduates of the University of Oklahoma aged 25-65 who can act as ambassadors for the university. They are interested in staying connected with the university community, mentoring students, and contributing to the university’s growth through donations or recruitment efforts.

The Importance of Identifying Target Stakeholders

Identifying and understanding our target stakeholders is crucial because it enables OU Recruitment Services to focus its resources on the groups most likely to engage with the university. Tailored messaging helps to communicate more effectively, ensuring that information is relevant and compelling. For example, prospective students are more likely to respond to messaging that highlights the university’s academic excellence, student life, and opportunities for personal growth. In contrast, parents may prioritize information about financial aid options, campus safety, and post-graduation success rates.

By recognizing the specific needs and interests of each stakeholder group, OU Recruitment Services can create more personalized and impactful communication strategies, which ultimately support the university’s recruitment goals.

Tailoring Our Messaging

To engage these distinct audiences effectively, OU Recruitment Services should tailor its messaging to address the unique concerns and motivations of each group. Here’s how we can approach each stakeholder:

  1. Prospective Students: My messaging for this group will focus on showcasing the university’s vibrant campus life, diverse academic programs, and student support services. We’ll highlight success stories of current students and recent graduates, emphasizing the opportunities for personal and professional development at OU.

  2. Parents/Guardians: For parents, the focus will be on the value of an OU education, financial aid options, and student safety. Messaging will include information about scholarship programs, the university’s commitment to student well-being, and the strong support network available to help students succeed.

  3. High School Counselors: Communication with counselors will provide detailed information on the admissions process, including deadlines, requirements, and available resources. We’ll offer materials that counselors can use to guide their students, such as brochures, informational webinars, and campus visit opportunities.

  4. Alumni: To keep alumni engaged, sharing news about university achievements, opportunities for involvement, and ways they can support current students, such as through mentorship programs or alumni networks. Encouraging alumni to participate in recruitment events can also enhance the university’s outreach efforts.


Identifying and targeting specific stakeholders is a key component of a successful marketing strategy for the University of Oklahoma Recruitment Services. By understanding the unique characteristics and needs of prospective students, parents, high school counselors, and alumni, we can craft tailored messages that resonate and drive engagement. This strategic approach ensures that OU Recruitment Services not only reaches its intended audiences but also builds lasting relationships that contribute to the university's continued success.

Tag: Stakeholder


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