collateral damage

Know Your Audience!

Before anything else, get to know your audience. Who are they? What do they care about? By doing some digging—through surveys, social media, or just plain old observation—you can figure out what makes them tick. This knowledge is gold when you're shaping your message. Boneau/ Bryan-Brown’s audience for example would be anyone involved within the Musical Theater Community in New York.

Visual Language!

Your visual language should speak directly to your audience. Are they into sleek, modern designs, or do they vibe with something more classic? Whether you go with bold images or slick typography depends on what you find out about their preferences and understanding your clients brand. For BBB, I chose to go with a sleek, professional style.

Meaning and Connotations!

Every font and image carries meaning. Want to be seen as trustworthy? Maybe a classic favorite, Times New Roman will do the trick. Going for a fresh, innovative look? Sans-serif might be the way to go. Colors, too, can set the tone. Think calm blues for professionalism or vibrant reds for energy. Your research on your clients will help you pick the right ones.

Visualizing Your Business Card!

Now, picture your business card. It should be a quick snapshot of your brand’s vibe. Maybe it’s clean and modern for a tech-savvy crowd, or maybe it’s minimalist and chic for a luxury brand. Whatever it is, make sure it reflects all the research-backed choices you’ve made.

Mock Letterhead 

Mock Envelope

Mock Business Card

The Bottom Line: Research FTW!!

In the end, research is what makes your communications strategy smart and effective. It helps you make design choices that not only look good but also connect with your audience on a deeper level. So, next time you’re crafting a message, let research lead the way!!!


Define your stakeholder :


How to: build the best communications strategy