Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog! I’m Caroline Rebecca White, a dedicated and passionate Public Relations (PR) professional with a deep appreciation for the art of storytelling. Currently pursuing a major in Public Relations with a minor in Arts Management at the University of Oklahoma, I’m on a mission to bridge the gap between creativity and communication!

My PR Journey

My journey in PR began with a fascination for how narratives shape perceptions and influence decisions. With a solid foundation in strategic communication, media relations, and brand management, I’ve earned my skills through academic projects, internships, and community engagement.

Why I Chose PR

Public Relations resonates with me because it’s a dynamic field that requires both strategic thinking and creativity. I love the challenge of crafting messages that resonate with diverse audiences, and the satisfaction that comes from seeing a campaign come to life. PR allows me to be both analytical and imaginative, which aligns perfectly with my interests and strengths.

What Motivates Me

I’m motivated by the power of communication to create positive change. Whether it’s managing a brand’s reputation, launching a new product, or connecting with the community, I’m driven by the impact that effective PR can have. Every challenge in PR is an opportunity to learn, grow, and make a difference.

Campus and Community Involvement

At OU, I’m actively involved in campus organizations that align with my career goals. I’ve participated and directed in CAC University Sing, which have provided me with valuable experience in leadership, teamwork, and event planning. Additionally, I volunteer with Child appointed special advocates, also known as CASA, where I apply my PR skills to support causes that I care about.

Looking Ahead

As I continue to develop my expertise in PR, I’m excited about the opportunities ahead, particularly in the fashion industry, where I hope to merge my love for style with my passion for communication.

Thank you for visiting my blog!!




Why Every PR Pro Needs InDesign and Photoshop!


Design around oklahoma!